21 Şubat 2008 Perşembe

Kshar Chikitsa for Hemorrhoids

Kshar chikitsa or alkaline therapy in has been in practice since 500 BC. Kshars or alkalis are the herbal extracts of plants like Euphorbia nerifolia, Cassia fistula, Holarrhena antidysentrica, Adhatoda vasica, Caltropis giganteo, Alstonia scholaris, Achyranthus aspera, and Sesamum indicum.

An kshar can be a compound or mixture of many herbs or may be from single herb like Moolika kshar, Til kshar, Yavakshar etc.


There are 2 types of kshars

1. Paniya kshar: kshar for internal use
2. Pratisarniya kshar: for external use only

The pratisarniya kshar is further divided into 3 types

1. Mridu: mild in action

2. Madhya or modest: stronger

3. Teevra: strongest in action


Internal use:

Ayurvedic doctors are using the paniya (drinkable) kshars to treat many diseases like malaria, jaundice, urinary tract infections, indigestion, obesity, tumors, inflammation, flatulence, infections and cysts. Kshars have a very rapid action and safe to use.

External use:

The external or pratisarniya kshars are widely used to manage hemorrhoids, warts, corns, fistulae, sinuses, polyps and many skin problems. External kshars are a reliable and safe alternative to a number of modern medical surgeries. Therefore they are the first choice of Ayurvedic surgeons.

Kshar sutra or the medicated thread and its role in hemorrhoids will explain it further here. Let's see how it is made and used.


1. To make kshar sutra a strong and stout thread of sufficient length is taken.
2. Then a paste of the kshar of snuhee (Euphorbia nerifolia) and turmeric is made.
3. Now both ends of the thread are tied in the sunlight.
4 Thereafter the first coat of the paste is applied on it and allowed to dry.
5. Step # 4 is then repeated 21 times. Now the kshar sutra is ready. Before using it, it is properly sterilized.


This is a very popular treatment practiced in India in case of hemorrhoids or piles.

How it is used:

1. First a couple of laboratory investigations are conducted which include that of hemoglobin, blood sugar, clotting time, bleeding time, malignancy, and liver conditions etc.

2. If hemorrhoids are accompanied with swelling, it is to be treated first and when all conditions are conducive, main procedure is carried out.

FREE Hemorrhoid Relief!

Read this article to learn how to control your hemorrhoids.

If you or a loved one is suffering from hemorrhoids (commonly spelled hemroids), I don't have to tell you how uncomfortable the whole experience can be. Hemorrhoids are swollen arteries in and around the rectum that can cause severe burning, itching or sometimes bleeding. If there are any signs of blood in your bowel movements you should always see a doctor.

This hemorrhoid information page is written entirely by a person who suffered from hemorrhoids for ten years before finally realizing the secrets to living with this very common ailment. Follow these natural techniques and you will go months without swollen hemorrhoid pain.

What about all the creams, ointments and medications for hemorrhoids? All of these medications have one thing in common. They are attempting to temporarily relieve the pain and discomfort associated with swollen hemorrhoids. And we all know how slimy these ointments feel after application! In my opinion, once you have gotten to the point where you have to start spreading beeswax on your butt to stop the burning , it's too late! You have swollen your hemorrhoids to a point where you are in serious pain! That's right. YOU are in control of how often you have to suffer from hemorrhoids. In the following paragraphs I will explain how you can control your hemorrhoids through diet and habit and go months without remembering that you ever suffered from them.

Don't aggravate or swell your hemorrhoids. Constipation is one of the leading causes of swollen hemorrhoids. If you suffer from just two days of constipation your hemorrhoids can remain swollen and painful for days. That's of course when everybody starts applying the lovely creams and ointments in a desperate attempt to get some relief. Another cause of hemorrhoids is pushing too hard during a bowel movement. They say that you should never push hard during a bowel movement but that makes it almost impossible to deal with constipation. What's the answer? Avoid the constipation - and you will reduce your hemorrhoid flare-ups dramatically! I'm not a doctor. I'm not a nutritionist. I'm a just a guy who has figured out what to eat and what NOT to eat in order to avoid those itching monsters!

Here is the secret hemorrhoids treatment. Avoid eating large quantities of foods like Pizza, Bread, Candy and processed foods. Let me repeat. Eating a lot of bread or pizza or products made from flour without drinking enough fluids will give you a case of hemorrhoids you won't soon forget. Chocolate is another enemy. If you love it. Eat very small amounts! The single most effective change you can make in your diet is to drink more water! I don't like the bland taste of water so I started drinking Gatorade. Drink water or Gatorade and drink plenty of it. I guarantee your hemorrhoids will almost entirely disappear. It sounds simple but I will repeat it once more so it sinks in. DRINK MORE WATER or Gatorade. At least 4 large glasses per day.

Doctors treat the symptoms of hemorrhoids. This article is designed to help you avoid the swollen hemorrhoids in the first place. Then you won't need the doctor and all the ointments!

Foods and drinks to

  • Chocolate
  • Pizza
  • Bread (products made from flour)
  • Chewy candies and licorice.
  • Pickles
  • Picked peppers
  • White wine or champagne

Foods and drinks to
  • Fruits (peaches, plums, apricots, apples, pears, apples)
  • Salads made from green vegetables
  • Water
  • Iced Tea
  • Gatorade

Avoid any products that are sealed in jars of vinegar. (pickle juice is mostly vinegar.) Also avoid spicy foods which will cause that familiar itching and burning sensation in already inflamed hemorrhoids. Over indulging in white wine or champagne can also cause itching and burning.

The secret is really moderation. After I started drinking more liquids I noticed that weeks had gone by without suffering from hemorrhoids. I decided to treat myself to a hearty meal of my favorite pizza and guess what? No hemorrhoids the next day! Apparently my body was hydrated enough were it was able to deal with the pizza. (dough, bread, flour... hemorrhoid starters!) So, I thought I was cured forever! I started eating pizza and bread every day and not drinking as much water and of course you know what happened. I was suffering from hemorrhoids in a matter of days after going back to my old habits. The secret my friends is moderation. Drink plenty of water or Gatorade every day. Eat more fruits and vegetables and your hemorrhoids will almost entirely disappear.

Things you should not do if you are suffering from hemorrhoids:
  • Do not spend long periods of time sitting on the toilet.
  • Do not wipe excessively.
  • Do not wipe with up and down motion.
  • Do not use harsh or stiff toilet paper.

  • Use witch hazel to relieve pain and clean effected area.
  • Apply witch hazel to soft toilet paper and blot or pat the effected area.

Always remember - constipation (and the pushing associated with it during a bowel movement) is a major cause of swollen hemorrhoids.
    Avoid foods that cause constipation and your hemorrhoids will almost entirely disappear.

Study shows cut in hemorrhoidal symptoms - New Technology

The procedure for Prolapse and Hemorrhoids (PPH), also known as stapled hemorrhoidopexy, results in a lower incidence of new hemorrhoidal symptoms after treatment compared to the traditional hemorrhoidectomy, according to interim results of a head-to-head study presented at the American Society for Colon and Rectal Surgeons annual meeting.

"The intermediate results presented today show that the already established early advantages of PPH, including less pain and quicker recovery, are coupled with durability. These are compelling reasons for wider utilization of the procedure among surgeons," said Anthony Senagore, M.D., MBA, lead investigator for the study, Cleveland Clinic staff surgeon, Department of Colon and Rectal Surgery.

"Patients should be made aware that the new procedure is not only less painful, but appears to reduce the risk of their hemorrhoidal symptoms returning.

Anal itching and Hemorrhoids

Anal itching and Hemorrhoids by Nikola Govorko

This article was intended to answer many of the most often asked questions on this subject. I wish you discover all of this

information useful.
Anal itching is one of the most usual of hemorrhoids symptom, it appears in both internal and external hemorrhoids. Fortunately

it is also one of the leading symptoms to appear and one of the easiest to cure, but you have to take it seriously or risk

other symptoms that will not be nearly as simple to deal with.

Cause of anal itching
In case of internal hemorrhoids itching is caused by a mucus secreted by rectal lining, this happens because it's been pulled

down by constant development of internal hemorrhoids. Mucus then moistens the anus and the skin around it, causing constant

irritation of the skin. With external hemorrhoids case itching is caused by irritation of an extremely sensitive skin around

the anus.

How to cure anal itching?
"First we form habits, then they form us. Conquer your bad habits, or they'll eventually conquer you." - Dr.Rob Gilbert
Treatment of anal itching is simple compared to other hemorrhoids symptom. Even so treating just symptom without treating the

cause will bring you just short-lived ease from this persistent disease, and you can bet that you will experience another

hemorrhoids flare up before long, and the next time it might not be as simple as the first, as a matter of fact most likely it

will be worse.

When treating hemorrhoid symptoms, both internal and external, you must concentrate on your diet, and exercise or movement,

lack of it causes intestinal slow down, and that again causes hard, pallet like stool, which is then accountable for

development of hemorrhoids. High fiber diet in addition with a adequate water intake will aid in making your stool softer and

bulkier, and because of that it will become easier to pass. That will result in a less straining, and relieving of pressure
on your anal area, thus diminishing risk of hemorrhoids flare up.

Even so when treating anal itching pay particular regard to personal hygiene.
1) Wash up after bowel movement, use a shower or a bidet, if you're not at home use wet hemorrhoidal wipes with Witch Hazel.
2) Take sitz baths, two to five times per day for 15 minutes. Soaking in warm water will not just bring ease from ache but will

at the same time wash away out all the excrement that could be difficult to clean because of hemorrhoid tags.
3) Use anti-itch hemorrhoids ointments. Use creams with %1 hydrocortisone, and be certain to read instructions carefully, keep

off any hemorrhoidal cream that can have itching as side effect. For hemorrhoidal cream review and recommendation see our

4) Use pill based treatments for hemorrhoids that assist restore balance in your digestive system. These treatments are

excellent because they attack the major cause of hemorrhoids as well as symptoms at the same time.
By using these treatments you can actually cure your hemorrhoids forever.

We have come to the end of my informational article. It's now your job to take this information and do something with it.

Hemorrhoids symptom cause treatment.com is a definite hemorrhoids site, Nikola has years of hemorrhoid fighting experience, and on this site you can learn all you need to know about hemorrhoid symptoms and hemorrhoids in general!

MEDCHANNEL Announces U.S. Data Supports DG-HAL and Mucopexy with the HTS™Hemorrhoid Treatment System to Treat Patients with Grades II to IV Hemorrhoid

BOSTON -- MEDCHANNEL, LLC reports that preliminary data presented at the recent SAGES conference by Dr. Matthew Albert supports the treatment of patients with grade II to IV hemorrhoids with Doppler-guided Hemorrhoid Artery Ligation (DG-HAL) and mucopexy. Dr. Matthew Albert, a board certified colorectal surgeon and member of the Department of Colorectal Surgery at Florida Hospital, Orlando, FL, presented preliminary results using DG-HAL and mucopexy on his first 48 patients.

Approximately 500,000 patients are medically treated for hemorrhoids in the United States every year, with approximately 20% undergoing surgery. Hemorrhoids and traditional treatments are often painful.

The HTS Hemorrhoid Treatment System is the only device of its kind currently approved and commercialized in the United States. The HTS system enables DG-HAL by using Doppler guidance and simple suturing techniques to reduce blood flow to the hemorrhoids, allowing them to shrink and recede. The system also enables mucopexy of prolapsed hemorrhoids (lifting of protruding hemorrhoids) again, with simple suturing techniques; tissue is not cut or removed and both procedures are performed in an area devoid of nerve endings. Thousands of procedures have been performed successfully worldwide with patients reporting significantly less pain.



Hemorrhoids, which are also called piles, is a condition of weakened and swollen veins in the anus or lower rectum. They often go unnoticed and usually clear up after a few days, but can also cause long-lasting discomfort of the rectum such as pain, itching, and bleeding. Hemorrhoids can be divided into two types: Internal hemorrhoids lie inside the anus or lower rectum; external hemorrhoids lie outside the anal opening. Both can be present at the same time. Sometimes a blood clot forms in an external hemorrhoid and inflammation and a painful lump develops. This condition is called a thrombosed hemorrhoid.


Hemorrhoids are a very common medical complaint. More than 75% of Americans have hemorrhoids at some point in their lives, typically after age 30. Men are more likely than women to suffer from hemorrhoids that are serious enough to require professional treatment.

During a bowel movement, veins in the anus are protected from damage by expanding to drain blood away from the area. The veins are normally somewhat elastic, and they snap back to their regular size after defecation is finished. However, repeated straining due to constipation or hardened stools causes the veins to be swollen and stretched out of shape. The swelling also triggers nerves in the area, causing itchiness and a sensation of full bowels. In addition, straining may cause the rupture of blood vessels and bleeding at the anus.

Causes & symptoms

Aging, obesity, pregnancy, chronic constipation or chronic diarrhea, excessive use of enemas or laxatives, straining during bowel movements, and spending too much time on the toilet are all factors that can contribute to the development of hemorrhoids. In some people there is also a genetic tendency to have fragile veins that are prone to developing hemorrhoids and varicose veins .

The most common symptom of internal hemorrhoids is bright red blood in the toilet bowl or on one's feces or toilet paper. When hemorrhoids remain inside the anus they are almost never painful, but they can protrude outside the anus and become irritated and sore. Such hemorrhoids are called prolapsed hemorrhoids. These sometimes move back into the anal canal on their own or can be pushed back inside; however, they may remain permanently outside the anus until treated by a doctor. Small external hemorrhoids usually do not produce symptoms. Larger ones, however, can be painful and interfere with sitting, walking, defecating, and cleaning the anal area after a bowel movement.


Diagnosis of hemorrhoids begins with a visual examination of the anus, followed by an internal manual examination. The doctor may also insert an anoscope, a small tube with a light that can be used to view the anal canal. More serious problems may be ruled out using a sigmoidoscope or colonoscope to inspect the colon.

Use Digestive Enzymes to Reduce Hemorrhoid Inflammation

Using digestive enzymes when you have hemorrhoids is a good idea. Digestive enzymes help reduce inflammation, reduce fibrin, and clean the blood of foreign particles. These enzymes activities strengthen your immune system and give it more power to work on your hemorrhoids.


Bromelain is a digestive enzyme that is found in pineapple. It's capable of reducing inflammation and swelling and for this reason has been used to treat hemorrhoids.

Bromelain also activates a chemical that promotes the breakdown of fibrin. Fibrin is a chemical that repairs open wounds, internal wounds and weak tissue by creating fibrin deposits. If you are over 35, fibrin is not balanced with your body's enzymes. This results in excess fibrin deposits at inflamed locations, eventually causing more sickness and disease. Disease.

To balance and control excess fibrin activity, you need to take digestive or systemic enzymes. Systemic enzymes are enzymes that work throughout the body to attack blood impurities and dissolve fibrin.

As a supplement take 500-750 mg a day. You can also add fresh pineapple to your diet since it is high in fiber and other nutrients.

Digestive and Systemic Enzymes

Digestive enzymes are used to help you digest your food and improve your assimilation. Systemic enzymes are found deep into our body. They are in your tissues, organs, and cells where they help in all types of chemical reactions that your body is involved in.

Both types of these enzymes are available in capsules so you can easily supplement your diet. Digestive enzymes help to reduce the stress you get in the rectum when your food is not properly digested. Undigested food reaching the colon eventually leads to constipation.

Take a good digestive enzyme that you can get at health food store. Take 2 capsules with each meal.

Systemic enzymes help reduce swelling, inflammation, improve circulation, and speed the healing of tissue. One important fact about systemic enzymes is they eliminate fibrin, which is at center of most inflammatory conditions and illness.

Take systemic enzymes between meals. This allows them reach the small intestine and get absorbed into the blood stream where they can do their work.

Some systemic enzymes are enteric enzymes, which means they are coated so they will not dissolve in the stomach. This allows them to move into the small intestine where they will be absorbed into your blood stream.

The brand Vitalzyme contains serrapeptase, a systemic enzyme that is mix with other nutrients and enzymes. Just put Vitalzyme or serrapeptase into the goggle engine. This will bring in a flood of sites for you to chose a good systemic enzyme.

How to Use Herbal Salves & Ointments to Shrink Your Hemorrhoids

Comfrey Herbal Salve

Here is an herbal combination that contains herbs that promote the healing of skin wounds and blood vessel, is antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, soothing, and antiitching.

Here is what is in it:

* Comfrey root
* St. John's Wort flower and bud
* Calendula flower
* Plantain leaf
* Chickweed herb
* Mullein leaf

Here's how to use it:

Clean the area where you want to apply the salve. Apply the salve to the anus or slightly into the rectum by rubbing to soften the salve. This application can be done at night so you get a good dose of this salve as it passes through the skin. Use for 6 days, then rest one day. Use for 6 week, then rest one-week.

When using any kind of salve and herbal extracts, keep them in the refrigerator. This keeps them fresh and gives your hemorrhoids a "cool relief " feeling.

Veri-Gone salve

Veri-Gone is a salve that was made for varicose veins and has been used for general cases of hemorrhoids.

* Witch Hazel
* Echinacea Extract
* Calendula Extract
* Chamomile essential oil
* Alcohol
* Distilled water

Here's a link where you can find this salve. This site has variety of salve formulations.


Ghee - Turmeric Salve

Here's a Ghee mixture that is listed in, New Choices in Natural Healing, 1995, by prevention magazine health books.

Combine 1 teaspoon of ghee with 1/2 teaspoon of turmeric powder. Apply some of this mixture onto your hemorrhoids just before you go to bed.

Here's how to use it:

* Apply it for 3 nights in a row
* Stop for two nights
* Resume for three nights
* Continue this cycle until your hemorrhoids are gone

Wear old clothes when you use this combination since the turmeric will stain your clothes. The discoloration on your skin will clear after two-three weeks or sooner.

Zinc Oxide Ointment

Zinc Oxide is readily available in a drugstore or throughout the Internet. It is useful in reducing hemorrhoids symptoms, since it is astringent, antiseptic, and antibacterial.

Zinc oxide will keep the area dry from moisture and will help to reduce itching and chafing. Use it as often as you like and, of course, when you go to bed.

Pilewort Ointment

Pilewort is an herb that has a history of being used for hemorrhoids. It is a fast acting hemorrhoid remedy. It is an astringent, tones the blood vessels, and stops bleeding. You can use it as frequent as you like. Just apply to the anal area.

Do not take pilewort internally.

Calendula Ointment

Calendula flower has been extensive used in China to heal hemorrhoids. It has a soothing effect and reduces inflammation. Its other characteristics are,

hemostatic (stops bleeding)
styptic (contracts blood vessels)

Calendula ointment helps to form new tissue and for that reason is used for cuts, burns and other skin disorders. Apply the ointment directly on your hemorrhoids. Use it daily and as often as you like.

Source: http://www.healthguidance.org/authors/42/Rudy-Silva
Rudy Silva

Rudy Silva, BA Physics, Natural Nutritionist. He is the author of constipation, acne, hemorrhoid, and fatty acid ebooks. He writes a newsletter call http://www.betternaturalremedies.com.

Using Herbs to Relieve Hemorrhoids – Aloe Vera, Bilberry, Butcher's Broom

To relieve hemorrhoids first look for ways to get your bowels moving easier and more frequently so they produce softer stools. I have suggestion ways, in other articles, to do this by changing your diet.

Any straining and puffing you do to push hard or even soft stools out during a bowel movement will aggravate your hemorrhoids and can lead to bleeding and pain.

When completing a bowel movement, make sure you are using the softest tissue available so that when you clean yourself you don’t scrape or aggravate your hemorrhoids. You can also use pre-moisten tissue. Just make sure that the tissue you use is not colored or scented because these chemical additives can aggravate your hemorrhoids.

You may have to take a shower a couple times a day to keep your rectum area clean.

Here are three natural remedies that you can use to aid in eliminating your hemorrhoids.

Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera gel is an astringent that helps to heal open wounds. It is useful in hemorrhoids by applying the gel directly onto your anus. The best type of gel for this is directly from the aloe plant. If you don’t have one, then 100% organic whole leaf aloe gel is second best. You can get this organic aloe at a health food or nutrition store.

If you have a fresh plant, wash a leaf thoroughly with distilled water. Peel it on one side, bend it with the peeled side outward, and slip it into your anus. This will provide you with pain relief and reduce your hemorrhoid bleeding. Just trim down the leaf so it slides into your anus easily.

Aloe Vera juice, that you drink, is also good for hemorrhoids. It helps to soften your stools and to activate peristaltic action. If you like aloe juice, then drink around 1/2 a cup of Aloe Vera juice three time a day.

You can add 1/4 or 1/3 part aloe juice to a cup of apple juice to make the taste easier to handle. To make this aloe-apple juice more effective, add 10 drops of barberry extract.

Barberry is an astringent for blood vessel congestion along the colon and rectum. It will improve blood circulation; it stimulates the immune system to resist disease, and will tone body tissues. It also is capable of stopping bleeding hemorrhoids.


Bilberry’s active ingredients are flavanoids. Bilberry contains chemical called “anthocyanosides.” This fruit like herb has been used in Europe for a long time. In clinical studies, it has shown to be effective in treating weak capillaries by strengthening their walls.

Buy the 25% standardized formula and take 100 mg three times a day of bilberry. Bilberry will give you hemorrhoid relief.

Butcher's Broom

Butcher's broom, an evergreen bush, has a history of being used for varicose veins and hemorrhoids. As an extract, it contains “ruscogenins”, which can narrow blood vessels and decrease their inflammation and swelling. It strengthens and tones veins and capillary walls.

Take 100 mg of butcher’s broom three times a day. Use the type that has 9-11% ruscogenins.

Now you can use either of the three herbal remedies for hemorrhoid relief. If one is not working to good, try the other. Once you have gotten the hemorrhoid relief that you want stop using the herbal remedy.

How Do You Get Hemorrhoids?

A lot of people don’t even know they have hemorrhoids. The rectum is not an area you can readily see. Some times you don’t know you have hemorrhoids until you see blood in the toilet water after a bowel movement, when you start to have pain or discomfort in the rectum, or when you feel extra tissue around the rectum.

So how do you develop hemorrhoids? For sure, constipation is not the only way you can get hemorrhoids. Here are some additional ways:

Alcoholism or drinking to many alcoholic drinks

Being pregnant and not eating enough fiber

Doing daily heavy lifting and holding your breath while you do it

Eating excessive processed foods, which are low in fiber and move slowly through your colon.

General body weakness, which will affect the colon function

Having a predisposition to constipation or inheriting a weakness in the colon and rectum area * Holding fecal matter too long in the rectum causing pressure to buildup in the rectum veins - postponing a bowel movement

Having a weak liver, which reduces the amount of bile released into the intestines. Bile helps to active peristaltic action.

Having inflammation in the rectum that causes you to have constipation

Irregular eating patterns

Lack of protein leading to weak tissues and slow healing of wounds

Not eating foods that keeps you constipation free such as fiber, vegetables, essential fatty acids, protein, water.

Not getting the right vitamins and minerals in your food.

Being overweight

Poor muscle tone in the anal area from lack of exercise

Pressure on rectum veins from cysts or tumor in the colon

Sitting in a chair at home, at work, in a car, or in a truck for long periods

Using laxatives to the point where your colon no longer works properly and you end up with constipation
As you can see there are many reasons that you can develop hemorrhoids. And most of them relate to the function of your colon. If you want hemorrhoid relief look at the list and see which condition or situation relates to you and try to make changes in these conditions. In addition to changes add new foods that will help your colon to work better.

Drugstore Hemorrhoid Medications

There are many drugstore and alternative Internet products for treating hemorrhoids. Most of the products are not made to cure or eliminate hemorrhoids but to give you temporary relief of itching, pain, swelling or bleeding. I don’t recommend using any type of product that is not natural or that comes from a drugstore.

If the product contains petrochemicals, additives, coloring, dyes, or other chemicals, which enhance its appearance and feel, I would not use them. Most, if not all, of these chemicals will be absorbed into your body where your organs of elimination will have to deal with eliminating them.

All products whether drugs, drugstore medications, or natural formulations use chemicals, substances, oils, and herbs that have the following properties:

Anesthetics – suppresses pain and gives relief…any name with the suffix “caine” like tetracaine

Analgesics – suppresses and give pain relief – some of them are Anacin, Tylenol with Codeine, OxyContin, Darvocet, Ultracet

Vasoconstrictors – helps to narrow or constrict hemorrhoidal veins…any name with the suffix “rine” like phenylephrine

Lubricants – provide lubrication in the colon to relieve constipation – mineral oil, flax seed oil, castor, oil olive oil

Astringents – help to tighten tissue, which have been pushed out by hemorrhoid action – zinc oxide, witch hazel, calamine

Keratolytics – help to remove excess hemorrhoidal tissue. They are compounds of sulfur and salicylic acid
Many of the drugstore medications have anesthetics. They can aggravate and irritate the hemorrhoids you’re trying to eliminate. If you are using one of these drugstore medications, consider using a more natural remedy.

In 1975 Carl I. Flath, wrote a book called The Miracle Nutrient – How Dietary Fiber Can Save Your Life. In his book he talks about the effectiveness of drugstore suppositories,

“Suppositories quickly work their way up in the rectum beyond the location of most internal hemorrhoids, and so are of limited value in reducing local pain. As antiseptics they are essentially worthless, since the surface areas they are supposed to protect are under constant exposure to new bacteria….

Anesthetic agents do offer temporary relief from local irritations and pain… Neither the suppositories nor the ointments, however, do anything whatever to correct the basic cause of hemorrhoids—constipation.”

Three Steps to Get Rid of Hemorrhoids

Constipation, Hemorrhoids or Piles, and inactivity go hand in hand. If you have been constipated for quite a while, chances are you have hemorrhoids. If you are inactive because you just like sitting around or are confined to a bed or chair, then you will have constipation and hemorrhoids.

So if you want to get rid of hemorrhoids, you need to take 3 steps. These three steps can be done at the same time, especially if you have hemorrhoids that are itchy, painful, and are in need of attention.

First you need to do something about your hemorrhoids. There are many different natural remedies for reducing, relieving, and eliminating hemorrhoids. Since everyone is different in his or her chemical make-up and nutritional requirements, one remedy will not work for everyone.

Each of you has to find out what remedy works best for you. Use the remedy that feels right for you, the remedy where you have the ingredients, or that one based on the severity of your hemorrhoids.

Here’s one remedy you can try - Collinsonia Root Powder Collinsonia is a vegetable, known as “Stone Root” because of it hardness. It comes in powder and liquid. Stone Root is found in Canada and in Florida. It has been found quite helpful in aiding hemorrhoids.

Linda Clark in her book called, Linda Clark’s Handbook of natural remedies for common ailments, 1976, says this about collinsonia root. “I have heard people rave enthusiastically about the results of this remedy, which works quickly.” It’s benefits come from,

Supporting blood vessel contractions and flow

Reducing irritation and inflammation of veins

Providing a tonic effect on weaken veins, capillaries, and tissue

Improving digestion

Helping to keep mucus membranes healthy
Secondly, you need to do something about becoming regular and to eliminate mild or chronic constipation. To start with, do these simple changes in your diet.

Eat fruits as a snack between meals – oranges, apples, bananas, prunes, grapefruits, mangos, watermelon, grapes, cherries.

Stop eating bread, flour products, milk, sodas, back off on eating a lot of protein.

Eat a few serving of vegetables during the day – green lettuce, celery, carrots, and so on

Drink at least 2-3 glasses of water every day or drink more water than you normally do.
The third thing you need to do is add some exercise to your daily routine. It can be any thing as long it is something you like and you do it regularly – walking, swimming, or rebounding. Don’t over exercise; all you need is 10 – 20 minutes per day.

There you have it, the threes step to getting rid of hemorrhoids – a hemorrhoid natural remedy, a slight change in your diet, and 10 minutes of daily exercise that you like.

Hemorrhoids - Ouch, What A Pain in the Backside

Hemorrhoids occur when the veins is the rectum become swollen and cause irritation. Hemorrhoids, in most instances, are a minor medical problem. They can be uncomfortable and painful and can cause much embarrassment to the sufferer. However, they are easy to treat and are often cured without too much pain.

Hemorrhoids are often referred to as piles, a term that is applied to a number of different conditions of the anal canal. Most commonly, however, it refers to hemorrhoids. It is also used to describe anal fissures or tears, clotted external hemorrhoids, and flaps of extra skin or skin tags on the anus.

The rectum is connected to the outside by a short tube called the anal canal which is the last part of the large intestine. The first part of this canal is lined with mucous membrane and the latter part is lined with skin which is very sensitive to pain. This canal is circled by a ring of muscle which is tightly contracted but relaxes to allow a bowel movement. This muscle is called the anal sphincter.

Hemorrhoids can be internal or external. Internal hemorrhoids are in the higher part of the anal canal. The veins swell and continue to increase in size over a period of years. They may be caused by prolonged straining to pass bowel motions and can be exacerbated by pregnancy. They are usually characterized by bright red bleeding that occurs at the end of passing a motion and they are usually relatively painless. If the hemorrhoids become bigger, they may come out of the anal canal and can be quite painful because of being strangulated or squeezed by a tight anal canal.

An anal fissure is a split in the anal canal, possibly caused by straining when constipated. This causes extreme pain when passing bowel motions and may be so bad that the person fears passing a motion. Often, these fissures heal of their own accord but sometimes a minor operation may be required.

External piles or hemorrhoids are caused when a blood vessel bursts just under the surface of the skin near the edge of the anal canal causing severe pain during and after the passing of a bowel motion. Sometime later, a painful lump appears that becomes red, sore, and inflamed. These are sometimes referred to as thrombosed piles.

Skin tags around the anal canal are not uncommon or painful but can cause problems with personal hygiene. They are often diagnosed and treated as external hemorrhoids but treatment is not really required.

Another condition that is sometimes wrongfully diagnosed as hemorrhoids is a condition known as anal fistula. The main symptom is a discharge of fluid, often like pus, but there is seldom much pain, bleeding or a lump. This condition usually appears as a result of an abscess in the lining of the anal canal, causing an abnormal connection between the outer skin of the anal canal and the inside of the canal. This causes secretions to leak out through the rectum. Treatment of internal hemorrhoids can take several different forms. They can be injected with a substance that makes them shrivel up if they are only small. Another method of treatment is by shrinking the hemorrhoids through a process of freezing, using a cryoprobe. Yet another method is to apply tiny rubber bands to cut off the supply of blood to the hemorrhoids.

There are some home treatments that are worth noting as they can be very helpful. These are taking a warm bath with a handful of salt dissolved in it if the hemorrhoids prolapse or appear externally as lumps. Alternatively, if the hemorrhoids become strangulated, you can apply a plastic bag of crushed ice to the enlarged hemorrhoids to ease the pain.

A diet high in fibre is very important to keep the gastrointestinal system working well and to avoid the discomfort of hemorrhoids as well as assisting in the general wellbeing of your body.

Causes of Hemorrhoids

People with hemorrhoids have been stereotyped by the comics or comedians to be laughing stocks. That's why fewer people with hemorrhoids tend to go to a doctor and have back irritations and pain sensations to be consulted by a specialist. Instead they just wait for the pain to subside and just worry about it some other time; especially if the pain becomes chronic. If you are really worried about having hemorrhoids, a careful lifestyle will help a lot. Here are some causes of hemorrhoids that you may have been practicing.


Being pregnant causes a woman to increase chances of having hemorrhoids. This is because the rectal veins will be pressured more because of the added weight in the uterus. For women who are already experiencing hemorrhoids, pregnancy can worsen the situation.

Women who are pregnant who do not experience hemorrhoids during pregnancy may still get hemorrhoids during the labor period. This is due to the long and arduous delivery. Another reason is the constipation that a woman experiences after childbirth. Because of the tenderness in the anus and perianal area, women will prolong the bowel movements.

Postponing Bowel Movements:

There are some people who are afraid to crap at other places because the toilet might be dirty. Another reason is that there is just no toilet nearby. So people will just try to force the crap back inside for a couple more hours. Doing this occasionally can do no harm, however if it becomes habitual it might lead to hemorrhoids.

When the crap stays longer in the fecal colon, it becomes harder and drier. This makes it tougher to pass. You will then need to force its way out. The rectal muscles that signal a person its time to crap may also become weaker. Just imagine the situation that you suddenly crap your pants because you didn't feel anything.


There are lots of diseases that cause hemorrhoids. One disease that can seriously cause hemorrhoids is rectal cancer. This is because rectal cancer will make the person have "false" calls of nature. It will then cause the person to go the bathroom regularly and will strain longer.

People who abuse alcohol will make their livers larger. This will then create extra pressure on the rectal veins. Other diseases that may also cause hemorrhoids are irritable bowel syndrome and intestinal tumor. This disease causes constipation or interfere with normal elimination.

Eight Tips That Will Help You Avoid Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are one of the most widespread complaints of mankind. Almost all men and women suffer from hemorrhoids at some time in their lives. They can take place at any age, but the possibility of getting hemorrhoids increases drastically after age thirty.

According to a study, 50% of people older than 50 have experienced hemorrhoids at least once in their lives.

You can avoid hemorrhoids by following the following eight tips. However, you should remember that there is no guarantee they won't develop at some stage.

1. Increase the fiber in your diet. Great sources of fiber are grains, cereals, legumes, lentils, nuts, seeds, fruits and vegetables. Be careful; add fiber to your diet slowly.

2. Avoid straining when defecating. You should also avoid long sessions sitting on the toilet. Forget about reading on the toilet.

3. Drink lots of water to keep the bowels loose. Increased water consumption helps to bulk up and soften stools, making them easier to pass.

4. Avoid long sitting, get up and move regularly. If your work requires you to sit or stand for a prolonged period, take regular stretching breaks that change your position. When relaxing, lie on your side while watching television or reading.

5. Exercise every day. It can be as simple as a walk around the block. Exercise for about thirty minutes on a daily basis.

6. Avoid constipation and diarrhea. Increase water consumption, add fiber to your diet, eat regular meals, exercise daily, do not ignore the urge to go to the bathroom and reduce stress.

7. Avoid sudden heavy lifting. The sudden increase of pressure on the blood vessels can cause the veins in the rectal area to stretch and swell.

8. Keep the anal area clean. Try to remember that the goal is not to wipe the anal area clean but rather, to wash it clean.

Why Fiber is Important in Hemorrhoids Prevention?

When it comes to hemorrhoids prevention, it is hard to overstate the importance of fiber in your diet. Even though fiber is most associated with grains, rice and breads, it is important to keep in mind that fruits and vegetables also contain significant amounts of fiber. In fact, the need for fiber is just one more reason to eat fruits and vegetables every day.

Fiber is the portion of food that the human body cannot digest. Fiber is found in foods of plant origin only; there is no fiber in meat and dairy products. Fiber plays an important role in the digestion of food and in the elimination of waste products as they travel through the body.

Good sources of dietary fiber include grains, cereals, legumes, lentils, nuts, seeds, fruits and vegetables.

Fiber comes in two forms - soluble and insoluble. All plant materials contain both types of fiber, but some sources contain more of one than the other. Eating a variety of foods rich in fiber every day will ensure you get adequate levels of both soluble and insoluble fiber.

Insoluble fiber is good in the prevention of hemorrhoids, and some types of colon and rectal cancers. Insoluble fiber is mainly found in wheat, some types of vegetables and in whole grain products. Some vegetables rich in insoluble fiber include carrots, peas and broccoli. The skins of fruits are also rich in insoluble fiber.

Soluble fiber, on the other hand, has shown promise in reducing levels of cholesterol in the blood, and at reducing the rate at which glucose enters the bloodstream. Soluble fiber is abundant in dried peas, lentils, beans, barley, oat bran, and in many fruits and vegetables.

Many people are unsure just how much dietary fiber they need every day, but most dietitians recommend that women consume between 21 and 25 grams of fiber per day. For men, the recommendation is 30 to 38 grams of fiber each day.

It is important to know which foods are high in fiber in order to boost your daily fiber consumption. In the case of packaged foods like breads and crackers, the fiber content will be listed as part of the nutritional label. In the case of fruits and vegetables, there are charts which show the fiber content of an average size piece.

When increasing fiber, it is best to make the increase gradual. A sudden jump in fiber can lead to bloating, gas and abdominal discomfort. In addition, it is important to drink plenty of fluids, especially water, in order for fiber to have the best effect. When choosing breads and cereals, it is best to go with healthier whole grains. In general, the less processing, the healthier the foods.

Eating the skins of fruits and vegetables is a great way to increase dietary fiber. Many people like to make fruit shakes and smoothies that use the skins of their favorite fruits. This makes a delicious and nutritious way to increase fiber consumption. In addition, keeping a variety of fiber rich foods, such as apples, nuts, seeds and bran muffins, around for snacks is a great idea.

Learn How To Treat Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are abnormally swollen veins in the rectum and anus. When these veins are irritated, they cause surrounding membranes to swell, burn, itch, become painful, and even bleed.

Hemorrhoids bleed when the blood vessels rupture, such as from straining during a bowel movement. Because bleeding can be a sign of colon cancer or colon polyps, you should consult with your doctor whenever you have bleeding from the rectum, blood on your stools, or blood in the toilet after a bowel movement.

Hemorrhoids are a very common problem. Most men and women will get them as they get older. Trauma to the anus and any type of straining can make hemorrhoids worse.

Risk factors and causes in addition to constipation and straining with bowel movements include constant sitting, diarrhea, severe or chronic coughing, pregnancy and childbirth, or heavy lifting.

Conservative measures are successful in alleviating symptoms for most patients with hemorrhoidal disease:

Bleeding: Clinical trials have demonstrated that adding fiber to the diet through supplementation with psyllium or appropriate commercially available fiber preparations may significantly reduce bleeding episodes associated with hemorrhoidal disease. Psyllium as well as methylcellulose adds bulk to stools, making them softer and easier to pass.

Irritation and itching (pruritus): Irritation and pruritus associated with hemorrhoids may be treated by various measures including the following:

Warm sitz baths - During sitz baths, the rectal area is immersed in warm water for approximately 10 to 15 minutes two to three times daily. Sitz baths are available in most drugstores; in addition, portable bowls are commercially available that allow for their use in the workplace. The effectiveness of warm sitz baths may be due in part to relaxation of the internal anal sphincter.

Fiber supplementation may help to alleviate itching potentially related to fecal soilage, since their bulking effect may reduce leakage of rectal contents.

Application of various pain-relieving (analgesic) creams:

Creams and suppositories, particularly hydrocortisone, should not be used for longer than one week unless directed by your doctor, since they may result in certain side effects, such as skin rash and inflammation (contact dermatitis) with pain-relieving creams or skin wasting (atrophy) with steroid creams.

Patients who continue to have symptoms despite the conservative measures described above may be candidates for one of various techniques developed to treat symptomatic hemorrhoids. This can include rubber band ligation, sclerotherapy, cryotherapy, laser coagulation or surgery.

Hemorrhoids - Symptoms, Causes and Treatment Options


By hemorrhoids the veins in or around the anus, or in the lower rectum are swollen and often also inflamed. Hemorrhoids inside the rectum are called internal hemorrhoids, and those in the anal area external ones. Studies have shown that 1 out of 3 persons below the age of 50 will suffer from hemorrhoids. 1 out of 2 persons over the age of 50 is affected by this condition.


Hemorrhoids give these symptoms:

  • Swollen veins in the anal area or inside the rectum.
  • Itching.
  • Tears in the swollen veins and bleeding from the tears.
  • Coagulated blood in the veins making hard lumps.
  • The hemorrhoids may lead to permanent lumps, scars or thickened area after the initial healing.


Before hemorrhoids form, there is usually an increased pressure in the veins of the anal area, for example due to over-filled intestines, due to constipation and thereby straining to get hard stool out during toilet visits, or due to frequent diarrhoea.

The veins have valves preventing the blood from flowing backwards. The increased pressure makes the segment of a vain right after a valve to swell up like a balloon.

The blood in the swollen vein segment then coagulates, making a hard lump that clogs the vein, and the clogged vein segment then gets infected and inflamed.

The inflamed hemorrhoids may then tear, so that the content empties and the vein bleeds. After emptying its content, the vein heals, but may develop a residing scar.

Other times the content of the hemorrhoids is dissolved and the vein heals without rupturing, but also now a permanent thickened or hardened vein segment may form.


Since hemorrhoids are caused by conditions making increased pressure in the anal veins, like lazy colon, constipation or diarrhoea, the ultimate cause of hemorrhoids are factors causing these conditions. Such factors are:

  • Lack of fibre in the daily diet.
  • Drinking too less water.
  • Consuming too less fat, or the opposite too much fat.
  • Lack of daily physical exercise.

Cramping or prolonged tension in the anal sphincter and the muscles around the rectal opening seems to restrict the blood stream from the anal area back towards the heart, and thus also contribute to hemorrhoids. Nervous or psychological processes may cause tension in these muscles.

Hemorrhoids are a very common complication by pregnancy. The hormonal stimulation during pregnancy causes the vessels in the anal area to dilate. The weight of the foetus and the straining during childbirth will further cause a marked pressure increase in the already dilated vessels, with hemorrhoids as a consequence.

Heavy muscular work or heavy lifting can increase the pressure in the anal vessels and contribute to hemorrhoids. Conditions that weaken the tissue in the anal area may also contribute to development of hemorrhoids, for example inflammations, allergies or high age.


Sometimes hemorrhoids require surgical or other medical intervention. However, in many cases you can do much yourself to prevent, alleviate or cure the condition. Since cancer or other serious conditions sometimes resemble hemorrhoids or cause hemorrhoids, newly detected hemorrhoids should always be medically investigated.

1. Lifestyle adjustments

Lifestyle measures to prevent or cure an inactive colon, an overfilled colon and constipation, will also help to prevent or cure hemorrhoids. Such measures are:

* A diet with enough fibre, containing whole corn cereals, whole corn bread, vegetables and fruit.

* Using natural oils in the food that gives the intestinal content a soft consistency, like olive oil, sunflower oil, rape oil and soy oil.

* Some daily exercise.

* Drinking enough water.

2. Agents to regulate the digestive function

You can use certain natural products to regulate your digestive functions and this will also help against hemorrhoids:

* Bran added to your diet has high fibre content, and will stimulate the intestines to contract better and pass its content more rapidly.

* Linen seeds will make the stool softer so that it is passed better through the intestines.

3. Topical balms or ointments

You can find topical balms on the market to apply onto the affected area. The balms contain ingredients that penetrate through the skin into the swollen blood vessels and anal muscles, or are transported through the tissue fluids upwards in the intestinal wall. Other ingredients remain on the affected area as a protecting and lubricating sheet. The effects of these ingredients are:

* Alleviating inflammation and itching.

* Stimulating tissue healing.

* Alleviating cramping in the rectal sphincter.

* Dissolving coagulated blood.

* Killing bacteria that cause infection in the affected area.

* Lubricating the rectal opening or the end part of the rectum to make the stool pass more easily.

4. Oral products to treat hemorrhoids

You can also find oral pills or capsules to help against hemorrhoids with the following effects:

* Giving the stool a greater volume so that the intestines manage better to get hold of it and work it through.

* Giving the stool a smoother consistency so that it passes more easily through the intestinal system and rectal opening.

* Alleviating cramping and irregular contractions in intestinal system.

* Stimulating the regular and effective contraction of the intestines.

* Alleviating inflammation and itching.

* Stimulating tissue healing.

5. Enemas

If there is a hard constipation aggravating the hemorrhoids, a small enema can help to empty the colon and the rectum, and also help to cure the hemorrhoids. However, big enemas can increase the intestinal pressure and aggravate the condition.

Home Remedies for Piles

There is no local treatment to cure piles. The treatment of the basic cause, namely, chronic constipation, is the only way to get rid of the trouble. To begin with, the whole digestive tract must be given a complete rest for a few days and the intestines throughly cleansed. For this purpose, the patient should adopt an all-fruit diet for at least five days. He should have three meals a day of fresh juicy fruits such as grapes, apple, pear, peach, orange, pineapple and melon. For drinks, unsweetened lemon water or plain water either hot or cold may be taken.

In long-standing and stubborn cases, it will be advisable to have a short fast for four or five days before adopting an all-fruit diet. When on short fast, the patient may have the juice of an orange in a glass of warm water. An enema with lukewarm water should be taken daily in the morning while fasting. This will cleanse the bowels and give much needed rest to the rectal tissues.

After the all-fruit diet, the patient may adopt a diet of natural foods aimed at securing soft stools. The diet should be low in fat and should not contain more than 50 grams of fat. Foods which contain less fat are skimmed milk, buttermilk, curd and cottage cheese made from skimmed milk; all vegetables except cabbage, onions, dried beans and peas; cooked and dried cereals, fruits and fruit juices.

The ideal diet for the patient with piles should consist of fruits like papaya, musk melon, apple and pear; green vegetables, particularly spinach and radish, wheat, porridge, whole meal cereals and milk. Lentils and daals should be avoided, as they constipate the bowels. The patient should also abstain from meat, fish, eggs, cheese, white sugar, sweets, rice, all fried foods, all white flour products, tea and coffee. Dry fruits, such as figs and raisins and coconuts should form part of the diet.

The most important food remedy for piles is dry figs. Three or four figs should be soaked overnight in water after cleaning them thoroughly in hot water. They should be taken first thing in the morning along with the water in which they were soaked. They should also be taken in the evening in similar manner. This treatment should be continued for three or four weeks. The tiny seeds of the fruit possess an excellent quality of stimulating peristaltic movements of intestines. This facilitates easy evacuation of faeces and keeps the alimentary canal clean. The pressure on the anus having thus been relieved, the hemorrhoids also get contracted.

The mango seeds are valuable in bleeding piles. The seeds should be collected during the mango season, dried in the shade and powdered and kept stored for use as medicine. This powder should be given in doses of about one and a half gram to two grams with or without honey twice daily.

The patient should drink at least eight to ten glasses of water a day. He should avoid straining to pass stool.

Foods that Help Relieve Hemorrhoids

A high fiber diet obtained from raw fruits and vegetables is what you need to follow for eliminating and for preventing constipation and is what you need to prevent and cure hemorrhoids.

If you have not been eating a lot of fiber, you need to add fiber slowly to your diet especially if you add it by using bran. Increase your use of bran or other bran cereals over a couple of weeks.

If you add fiber to your diet with fruits and vegetables, you can add them freely without much problem. However, since your stomach will not be used to it, you may experience more gas for a week or two.

Here are some of the foods to start using:


Juices are good for hemorrhoids but especially dark berry juice mixed with equal parts of apple juice. The dark berry juices to use are:

1. Cherries, blackberries, blueberries

These berries contain "anthocyanins" and "proanthocyanidins" which reduce hemorrhoidal pain and swelling by toning and strengthening the hemorrhoidal veins. Drink at least one glass of this juice mixture each day.

2. Red and black currant berries

Currants are high in Vitamin C, rutin, and minerals. This makes their juice valuable in clearing hemorrhoids. They also have a small amount of the fatty acid GLA, which produce prostaglandin that control body pain. Drink 1-2 glasses a day of red or black currant berries.

Iron foods

Here are the foods that contain iron to help you build up your blood or to keep iron in reserve, if you ever need it.

  • Chicken liver, steamed crab
  • Kelp
  • Prunes
  • Dried apricots
  • Sunflower seeds
  • Pistachios
  • Cashews, almonds, sesame seeds
  • Baked potatoes
  • Cooked Swiss chard
  • Raisins
  • Cooked broccoli
  • Tuna
  • Cantaloupe

Cantaloupes are one of the best foods you can eat. It has a good source of vitamins and minerals. It has a high beta-carotene level and has anti-clogging properties.

Ginger, garlic, and onion

Add these three herbs to your diet. Each one of these helps to break down fibrin. Fibrin is a natural substance that helps to repair breaks in tissue, organs, and arteries. However, there are times that your body may over react and deposited too much fibrin causing inflammation in the arteries and especially in the hemorrhoid area.


At every meal, use olive oil, flax seed oil, and apple cider vinegar in your salad. In your soups, use olive and flax seed oil or other food dishes where they is appropriate. Or at the end of each meal take your capsule of fish oil.

Fish oil is probably one of the most important oils to use daily. Go to my newsletter to read the article I wrote about this nutrient.

Use the following foods to help reduce hemorrhoidal bleeding:

  • Alfalfa
  • Dark green leafy vegetables
  • Blackstrap molasses
  • Flax seeds - are high in omega-3 oils, which reduce inflammation and pain. They are also high in fiber.
  • Lima and butter beans are high in iron, which help to build more blood. If you have bleeding hemorrhoids, adding lima beans to your diet would be a good choice.

There you have it. Plenty of remedies that can give you temporary relief, reduce bleeding, reduce swelling, eliminate itching, and cure or prevent your hemorrhoids.

Over The Counter Hemorrhoid Treatments

For some people, visiting the doctor is the easiest way to get rid of hemorrhoids. They can give them an idea as to what the problem is, and then tell them how to solve it. But if you are only suffering from a mild form of this, sometimes seeing the doctor is not as necessary as it may seem. In fact, there are many over the counter hemorrhoid treatments that you can rely on to help you out.

If you are searching for over the counter hemorrhoid treatments the best place to go is your local drug store or grocery store. By doing this you should be able to find at least a couple of treatments that can work for you. The most common over the counter hemorrhoid treatments consist of creams that you can apply to the area. These will help to soothe and heal your hemorrhoids.

In addition to creams, there are also hemorrhoid pads that you can buy. These are similar to creams, but the pads are pre-moistened with medicine. This allows you to easy apply to the problem area without too much mess or stress.

Choosing the over the counter hemorrhoid treatment option that is best for you can be difficult. If you are having a hard time making a decision, be sure that you do not do anything that is detrimental to your health. If you have any questions or concerns the best thing to do is hold off and speak with a doctor. But if you are comfortable moving forward, be sure to follow the directions on the packaging. This will point you in the right direction.

Home Cure For Hemorrhoids

If you are in need of a home cure for hemorrhoids you are not alone. Thousands of people suffer from this problem, but do not want to go to the doctor for one reason or the next. If this sounds like you, the best thing to do is look into finding a home cure for hemorrhoids. The good thing about this is that over the years many people have come up with some home cures that work. Even though not every remedy will work for you, chances are that you may be able to find one that suits your needs.

Applying vitamin E directly to the hemorrhoids is a home remedy that people have been using for years. The way that you can do this is pretty easy. All you need to do is get a vitamin E capsule that is filled with liquid and break it in half. From there you can apply the liquid directly to the area. This will help your hemorrhoids heal quicker.

Another home cure for hemorrhoids that is easy to follow has to do with your diet. If you can keep your stool as soft as possible the chances of your hemorrhoids flaring up will decrease. To do this you should add fiber to your diet, or try to take supplements for this.

If you do not want to see a doctor about your hemorrhoids check out some home cures. This will allow you to get treatment for your problem without having to ever leave the comfort of your own home.

Herbs For Hemorrhoids: Do They Help?

Many people overlook using herbs for hemorrhoids, but this has been proven effective time and time again. This best part about using herbs for hemorrhoids is that you usually never have to leave home in order to do this. So using these herbs is more or less a home remedy if you have the means necessary to find the herbs.

Listed below are a few herbs for hemorrhoids that are most common. Not all of them will work for you, but they are at least worth a try.

1. Birch sap is great for hemorrhoids because it works as an astringent as well as an antibacterial solution. It has been known to have great healing power on problem areas of the skin.

2. Calendula is excellent for skin care because of its cell rejuvenation and anti-inflammatory properties. By using calendula your hemorrhoids will heal faster and not become inflamed as much as you have come to expect.

3. Centella is known to increase circulation while also healing problem areas such as hemorrhoids. It is particularly useful on helping damaged areas of the skin and surrounding tissue.

4. Chickweed can help to soothe and heal hemorrhoids as well as many other skin conditions. In addition it also helps to prevent tissue degeneration.

Overall, herbs for hemorrhoids can be great treatment options. The four herbs listed above are great for this problem, and are worth a try if you are suffering. If you look around, you should be able to find an herb that works for you in no time.

Hemorrhoid Laser Treatment: One Way To Go

If you have hemorrhoids, one way that you can get rid of them is with hemorrhoid laser treatment. Even though this is not always necessary, especially for mild cases, it can still go a long way in helping some people out. If you think that this treatment may be able to help you out, the best thing to do is speak with your doctor. He or she will be able to tell you if your case is severe enough to need hemorrhoid laser treatment.

The process of hemorrhoid laser treatment is quite simple. A beam of light is used in order to cut the hemorrhoids away from the tissue. In turn this leaves you hemorrhoid free without having to undergo any sort of major surgery. In addition, with hemorrhoid laser treatment there is little to no bleeding because the laser also does an excellent job in cauterizing the area.

Since hemorrhoid laser treatment does not require any incisions, the recovery time is much quicker. This makes it easier for people to get back to both their normal life and their normal diet. After the procedures there are no stitches that need to be removed either.

Overall, hemorrhoid laser treatment may be right for you if you are suffering from this problem over and over again. Your doctor will be able to set you up with this treatment, and from there you should be back to normal in no time at all. Almost 100% of the people that undergo hemorrhoid laser treatment comment that they were happy with the end result.

Hemorrhoids: What To Do Now

If you are suffering from hemorrhoids you are definitely not alone. This is a problem that plagues people from all over. The good thing is that there is a lot of hemorrhoid information available, and treatment options are beginning to advance as well.

Hemorrhoids are also sometimes referred to as piles, and they are nothing more than small lumps of fiber, muscle, and blood vessels. As far as the location of hemorrhoids, they are always found just past the anus, in the anus canal.

The majority of people that seek out hemorrhoid information are the ones that are actually suffering. In most cases, hemorrhoids plague men and women that are in the 45 to 65 year old age; but with that being said they can show up in anybody regardless of age.

The good thing about hemorrhoids is that they are not as dangerous as you may think. Sure, they are quite painful if you have them, but unless they bleed on a consistent basis you do not have to worry about them having too much of a negative effect on your overall health.

Generally speaking hemorrhoids are caused by a bad diet as well as straining too hard during constipation. If you can avoid these two things, then you can avoid getting hemorrhoids. And this is what you want to do because treating them can be more difficult than simply avoiding them.

To find hemorrhoid information you can go to the doctor or simply head online. Either way you should be able to find plenty of information.

Hemorrhoid Grades: How Badly Does It Hurt

There are four different grades of hemorrhoids that you can get. This is nothing more than a classification system set up by doctors so that they can properly diagnose which stage your hemorrhoids are in. This in turn allows them to make a proper decision on which treatment method is best for your situation.

First degree hemorrhoids are often classified as bleeding hemorrhoids. If you notice blood during bowel movements chances are that you may be suffering from this stage of hemorrhoids.

Second degree hemorrhoids are ones that may or may not bleed. In addition, they also protrude from the anal canal, but will not stay inflamed and will disappear on their own.

Third degree hemorrhoids are similar to second degree, but they will not disappear on their own. They need to be manually pushed back into the anal canal by a doctor.

Fourth degree hemorrhoids are ones that protrude from the anal canal and will not disappear on their own. In addition, they cannot be pushed back in manually either. In this case the doctor must come up with the best treatment option which is sometimes surgery.

It is possible to take a guess at what degree of hemorrhoids you are suffering from. But when push comes to shove you are going to need to visit a doctor to find out exactly what is going on. They will be able to run tests that show what degree hemorrhoids you are suffering from, and from there they will be able to put together a treatment plan for you.

Hemorrhoid Diet: What Is It

If you are suffering from hemorrhoids chances are that you are not eating right. Of course, this is not always the case but it is at least worth looking into. For some people a simple diet change is all that they need in order to get their hemorrhoids corrected, and their life back to normal.

When searching for a hemorrhoid diet you may want to consult with your doctor. This is not a necessity by any means, but they may be able to give you a better idea of what would work best for you.

To start, you will want to eat plenty of food that is high in fiber. Things such as green vegetables, apples, and whole grains are a great place to start; not to mention the fact that they taste great as well. The bottom line is that fiber is the best way to fight constipation that can lead to hemorrhoids.

In addition to what you eat, make sure that you also take the time to drink properly as well. Anything that is clear, such as water, will do your body good. Also remember to stay away from drinks with caffeine such as cola or coffee.

By going on a diet that is specifically tailored to fight hemorrhoids will allow you to stay pain free without much trouble at all. Many people feel that this is hard to do, but the fact of the matter is that you do not have to go crazy. Simply add some fiber to your diet and cut out the caffeine and you will be fine.

Getting Help With Over The Counter Hemorrhoids Treatment?

There are a number of over the counter hemorrhoids treatment products available and proper advice from a doctor or pharmacist must be taken, when choosing which one is the most appropriate.

Before applying medication, the anal area needs to be gently washed by dabbing, (avoid wiping) with a moistened cleansing tissue. It's advisable not to use colored or scented tissue.

Any of the over the counter hemorrhoids treatment which contains a vasoconstrictor must be avoided if you have any of the following conditions; hypertension, urinary difficulties, cardiovascular disease, diabetes or if you've been prescribed medication for depression. A vasoconstrictor may be in the form of phenylephrine HCI, ephedrine or epinephrine. Some people may be allergic or hypersensitive to products including local anesthetics. The ingredients may cause pain, irritation, swelling or redness. If this occurs, patients need to consult their doctor, or if protrusion, seeping or bleeding occurs.

Some products can be inserted intrarectally for the treatment of internal hemorrhoids, and some products can only be used externally. Astringents, vasoconstrictors and protectants are allowable for internal hemorrhoids.

Over the counter hemorrhoids treatment can be roughly divided into the following, and their major benefits being; astringents which decrease inflammation, give relief from burning and itching but not pain, protectants which decrease inflammation, vasoconstrictors which help to reduce irritation and itchiness, local anesthetics which help with pain, itching and burning, keratolytics which reduces itchiness and discomfort, antipruritics which act as counter irritants and hydrocortisone which helps with itching and swelling.

If you are unfortunate enough to be a sufferer, over the counter hemorrhoids treatment can at least bring relief fairly quickly, and lead to eliminating the problem.

Home Cure For Hemorrhoids

Hemorrhoids are a great source of pain and discomfort to the sufferer, and you will want rapid relief from the symptoms. Some people like to try a home cure for hemorrhoids, and you may find one, which is just right for you.

The best advice on a home cure for hemorrhoids is, of course, to prevent them developing in the first place. If you are susceptible to them, then there are steps you can take to stop a re-occurrence. Get into the habit of a cleansing regime after every time you move your bowels. Gently does it is the key, by choosing non-colored, non-perfumed toilet paper as opposed to the conventional toilet paper which contains irritating chemicals. Dampen the paper before each wipe. Unfortunately lubricated toilet paper is not yet available on the market but you can obtain face tissues treated with moisturizing cream, which are ideal for the hemorrhoids sufferer. Sufferers are advised to avoid strenuous exercise or heavy lifting, as this tends to bring on too much strain. Another thing said to help, is to lose weight. Overweight people have more pressure on the lower parts of their body.

Eating and drinking habits can also be a contributing factor. An excessive salt intake can worsen hemorrhoids and certain foods can increase itching. Don't have too much beer, cola, coffee or strong spices.

If they do still strike, a good home cure for hemorrhoids is to have a nice, long soak in a sitz bath. You need to sit in three or four inches of warm water, positioned with your knees raised. The warmth of the water helps to reduce the pain and the swollen veins will shrink due to the increased blood flow to the area.

Herbs For Hemorrhoids

Many people prefer to treat the distressing condition of hemorrhoids with natural remedies. Firstly, the condition must be properly diagnosed by a doctor, and if natural remedies fail then the appropriate medication must be obtained. A lot of sufferers find that herbs for hemorrhoids are the answer.

Several different applications of herbs for hemorrhoids have grown up over the years. Witch Hazel is one such popular choice, even suggested by some medical professionals. Barbers are familiar with its properties, as they use it on cuts, making the blood vessels contract. Applying Witch Hazel with a cotton ball is recommended for external hemorrhoids, especially where bleeding occurs. Anything cold, even plain old water can help to relive the pain of hemorrhoids, so you'll feel the benefits of putting a Witch Hazel bottle in an ice bucket. Soak a sterile cotton ball with the Witch Hazel and gently dab against the hemorrhoids until the coldness wears off. Keep repeating the process.

Another product in the herbs for hemorrhoids range contains Japanese Pagoda Tree extract. This is said to attack the actual causes of the hemorrhoids and to permanently stop itching, burning and pain. It's also claimed that it will strengthen the veins and help the vascular circulation, thus preventing hemorrhoids in the future. Other herbs for hemorrhoids include Horse Chestnut, Butcher's Broom, and Bayberry. A strong, warm tea containing Yarrow can be applied, again with a cotton ball. Aloe Vera is recommended for both burning and pain. Other herbs for hemorrhoids can be taken, either in the form of tea or in capsules.

Home Remedies For Painful Hemorrhoids

Soothing painful hemorrhoids can be as simple as good hygiene, a few home remedies, and some herbal healing. If these don't work for you or symptoms persist, check with a doctor and request a prescription or try one of the many over the counter medications available to ease your symptoms caused by hemorrhoids.

Good hygiene means more than just a daily shower when you have hemorrhoids, especially if the hemorrhoids have ruptured. Every time you wipe after using the bathroom, be gently. Try moist wipes instead of dry tissue and if dry tissue is the only option, use plain white, unscented toilet paper, soft but with minimal lint. Medicated moist wipes are available in most drug stores. In the shower, avoid scented soaps and perfumed scrubs or products.

There are too many home remedies to ease the symptoms of painful hemorrhoids to name here but a few that you may consider include the following:

Apply vitamin E oil topically to the anal area or cutting off the end of a vitamin E capsule, and squeezing the oil inside into the anus also brings a great deal of pain relief.

Aloe Vera gel applied to the anal area also soothes the pain and witch hazel applied with a cotton ball a few times a day can do the same while also keeping the area clean.

Homemade enemas and peeled garlic clove or small pieces of potato suppositories also help ease inflammation.

Changing your diet in order to ease constipation will also help keep from making the pain of hemorrhoids worse every time you have a bowel movement. Drink prune juice and eat fiber-filled foods like apples, whole grains, broccoli, and more. All of these in combination or even just one will help ease the pain of hemorrhoids.

More Hemorrhoids Information

There is much distress and embarrassment amongst hemorrhoids sufferers, and hemorrhoids information helps to remove confusion about the subject. It may surprise most people to know that half the adult population will experience symptoms by the time they reach 50 years of age.

Hemorrhoids information, whether in books or on the Internet, will explain the causes, common symptoms and recommended treatment. Ways of preventing the condition, through hygiene, diet and lifestyle are also explored. Of course, diagnosis must be sought from a medical professional or pharmacist. You should not make an assumption that certain symptoms signal hemorrhoids, as other conditions may be the cause. Of course, you may be a regular sufferer, in which case hemorrhoids information will be very useful in seeking alternative methods of treatment and prevention.

Hemorrhoids information will include choosing the appropriate treatment. This will depend on the type of hemorrhoid and its location. Prescribed medication or even surgical procedure may be unavoidable but hemorrhoids information should also inform on natural and herbal remedies. Many different products are advertised, and some carry testimonials with them from sufferers who say their symptoms have been relieved or removed. You could even join a chat room, where people can share their experiences and knowledge of the subject, or start your own blog inviting responses from interested parties.

There are various books on the market, with hemorrhoids information, both general guides giving an overview and books dealing with specific aspects of the condition such as natural remedies or surgical solutions.

Hemorrhoids Laser Treatment

Sufferers from hemorrhoids may be able to treat their condition successfully with the use of natural remedies or medication, but sometimes a surgical procedure is recommended. Lasers are the up to the minute, state of the art gizmos used in modern operating theatres these days, and hemorrhoids laser treatment is just one of the benefits.

The advantage of using a laser beam with hemorrhoids laser treatment, in the hands of an accomplished surgeon, is its absolute precision. The hemorrhoid is, in a sense, vaporized. The beam used is small and a quick healing process usually follows. For those people really suffering or those who get regular attacks, hemorrhoids laser treatment can be the answer. It is a fast way of dealing with the problem, is non-intrusive and doesn't require any medication. The laser works by sealing off the small blood vessels and nerves, with its invisible light. Because the nerve endings are closed, this means that patients have little discomfort after the procedure. The other advantage of this hemorrhoids laser treatment is that the blood vessels being sealed, means that the surgeon can operate in a safe environment without the presence of blood.

In a recent study on hemorrhoids laser treatment, the statistics on 750 patients were analyzed, and it was found there was a 98% success rate. The patients were asked on their feelings about the surgery and 99% reported they were satisfied. These figures would suggest that hemorrhoids laser treatment has an assured future and could bring great joy to a lot of long suffering people.

Hemorrhoids And Pregnant Women

Babies do not actually suffer from hemorrhoids, but do their bit to cause them! Pregnant women often get the condition, as a result of the strain of carrying the baby and also from the strain of giving birth. This susceptibility to baby hemorrhoids is caused by the uterus directly sitting on top of the blood vessels which should drain the hemorrhoid veins. In addition, the pregnancy hormone progesterone relaxes the walls of the veins. All this makes the veins in this part of the body to swell. This situation is worsened further by long periods of standing or sitting.

When it comes to giving birth, the pressure on the abdomen, just as occurs in a bowel movement, can inflate these veins. These postpartum hemorrhoids, as they are known, are hard to avoid. After all, giving birth does involve a certain amount of pushing! If you are unfortunate enough to get baby hemorrhoids along with baby, there are things you can do to help reduce any pain and discomfort. The first 24 hours after delivery could be used to apply ice packs. After this, you could try warm sitz baths, dabbing with sterile cotton balls dosed in Witch Hazel or using ointments containing hydrocortisone. If you can avoid being constipated, this will help. In any event, the baby hemorrhoids should go away as your body regains its strength after the strain of childbirth.

A recommended remedy for pregnant women is to lie down on your left side, every four to six hours, for approximately 20 minutes. This routine lowers the pressure on the main vein, which drains the lower portion of the body.